
Energize Wayland - is dedicated to helping Wayland residents and businesses address the climate emergency. Sign up for their mailing list.

The Energy and Climate Committee (ECC) - is charged with advising the Board of Selectmen, other town boards and committees, the Town Administrator, the School Superintendent and School Committee, and the Public Buildings Director on all issues related to reducing energy use and mitigating climate risks. 


Sustainable Weston Action Group - To ensure the Town continues towards sustainability as a Green Community, a number of residents created the Sustainable Weston Action Group (SWAG), dedicated to achieving a sustainable, healthy Town of Weston. SWAG seeks to amplify discussion and inspire effective action on sustainability issues through awareness, education, and community-based pragmatic action.

Sustainability Committee - ensures sustainability issues and opportunities in Weston are proactively managed, advising the Select Board and collaborating with Town departments and committees. The Committee will recommend, develop and monitor programs designed to enhance Weston’s long-term sustainability and resilience in response to environmental, resource, and energy challenges. The full committee charge details 10 action items.


Lincoln Green Energy - is dedicated to promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies for the town and its residents. It leads initiatives in four areas: Transportation, adoption of renewable energy, programs for residential energy efficiency, and energy efficiency in municipal buildings.


Energize Framingham is a growing community of everyday folks doing what they can to improve sustainability in Framingham and reduce our climate impacts.


EcoNatick - is Natick neighbors who share and promote actions that we all can take to reduce climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions and live in harmony with our community and our life-sustaining planet.


GreenNewton - Dedicated to creating an environment in better balance with the natural world by making significant, measurable improvements in the way we use resources.




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